Tuesday, July 29, 2014

DSLR Cameras for Dummies Book Review

The Bottom Line

The fourth edition of Digital SLR Photography for Dummies book and contains strong organization that has a characteristic of the Dummies series of books for a couple of decades system. What makes this book very easy to use, giving you the opportunity to browse and find the exact item the book you want.

My DSLR for Dummies Book Review shows that most of the books of the basic information, which is good for those who are using digital SLR photography. There are a few areas of the book I would have been happy to extend, as the region provides the guidance for the consideration of certain situations DSLR photography have. A few sections would probably have shortened, such as information on the processing of the image.

However, the book is overall a very good introduction to DSLR cameras and shoot with the advanced camera. If you are a little low suggested retail price of $ 29.99, find my DSLR for Dummies Book Review believes this book, a good value and a good addition to your library of photography books.


  • Title:
  • DSLR and Photography For Dummies, 4th Edition
  • Date of publication:
  • 2012
  • Pages:
  • 366
  • Editorial:
  • John Wiley & Sons Inc.
  • Author:
  • David D. Busch

    Selected Topics

  • Part I:
  • DSLR and you
  • Part II:
  • Oh, Shoot!
  • Part III:
  • Beyond the Basics
  • Part IV:
  • Places its output
  • Part V:
  • Ten


  • Book is well organized
  • Author does a good job of presenting important information in an entertaining way
  • Tips for shooting in sensitive situations are great
  • You can invert to find areas that will help your situation
  • Good for those new to digital SLR photography


  • Probably too much information about editing images
  • Who is created with digital SLR, not much new information here
  • It would be nice to see information on the DIL cameras (mirrorless interchangeable lens)
  • More advice would be great to see
  • Basic Information

    This Digital SLR and Photography for Dummies study shows a book that is intended for beginners. It contains basic information on digital SLR cameras and photography, and in a way that is not too serious, and that is good for beginners presented.

    They are about the different elements that make up learning a digital SLR camera, you can easily find some explanations to confusing terms to digital SLR photography in the context to understand. There are many drawings and photographs - all in color - that show the ideas, the author discusses, which is ideal for beginners to help.

    There are also dedicated a text to help you understand when you buy a digital SLR camera. However, I'm not sure this is absolutely necessary, as most people who are likely to buy this book already digital SLR camera.

    It would also be good to explore some of the differences between DSLR and DIL cameras without a mirror to see the author.

    However, the basic type of information the book beginners a basic photographer is pleasant knowledge. If you then want to learn more, you are in a position to another book with details that can get the specific areas that you want to treat meet.

    Advanced Information

    Frankly, very few SLR and digital photography for dummies book to photographers who should have some experience shooting with DSLR. However, this does not mean that the book tries to make less use of intermediate photographers. Just not many sections and pages on advanced topics that will appeal to intermediate photographers dedicated.

    There is some good information about each of the different parts of the digital SLR camera, and a good explanation, how much have the resolution to use their photos. The book has a good explanation of the various accessories that are available for digital SLR cameras with a few tips to help you decide what to buy.

    In my opinion, Reflex and Digital Photography for Dummies book is probably too many details about the types of files and image processing. For example, in the introduction to the book has the advantages of digital SLR photography and shows that the processing is not needed very often, since these cameras also. Then later in the book are devoted to the processing advice and information a few dozen pages.

    I want to dedicated more space to have seen information on the use of digital cameras.

    Organization of the book

    This edition follows the design and style of the Dummies series of traditional books, as it is very well organized, while the provision of information in an entertaining way. Each section of the book comes with a connected camera cartoon that provides some additional entertainment value of the book. You will find a very detailed list of chapters and sub-themes of the front of the book, making it easy to locate the exact item you want.

    As with other Dummies books, you will see a series of symbols in the book that certain types of information to find, making it easy for you to find specific items. There are also plenty of space in the margins of the book for you to take notes on what is good.

    The book is full of color photos, graphics, paintings and drawings, all very convenient to help beginners see describes the various concepts of the book.

    The last part of the book has some tips for taking in some strange situations that I liked. In fact, it would have been nice to this part of the slightly broadened to see with less work surface treatment.

    All these features make digital SLR Cameras and Photography For Dummies book really good for beginning photographers.

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