Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Tips to correct the aim of the common error messages camera

As digital cameras become more powerful with the existing structures lighter and larger LCD screens, they can communicate with the user easier. This means that if the camera has a problem, it may display an error message. Unfortunately, most of these error messages are as clear as we are. Through the lens of the camera, if you forget to remove the lens cap These tips will help you deal with error messages and the camera lens will help you to explore the camera's lens.
  • Many of the error to an objective covered. If reduced residential units on a long lens, it will prevent the situation, let him not function properly. Can occur lens other problem if you pay the power button accidentally while the unit is in a pocket or in a bag on the camera where the lens is stuck fully extended. Carefully, trying to "help", the movement of the lens to pass through applying a little pressure or push you insert the lens housing.
  • If the target is a "dispute", and you fall into the camera, you need to visit the manufacturer's website. Find support button and search for the camera model. It may be the manufacturer list of reforms on the error message to be met a certain target. When you visit the manufacturer's website and check. Updates of the software or firmware for your particular camera model Program change that can solve the problem.
  • Remove the battery and memory card for a period of at least 15 minutes. For some devices, this is the camera back and can scan error message from the target, as long as something is broken camera physically.
  • See the user guide for your phone to see if it offers a guide action "Reset" that may work better to remove the battery. Manual reset can clear the error message and lenses to get back to work properly.
  • In rare cases, can be a problem in making the movement of the lens, the battery short of power. (However, most of the cameras give a message "Battery empty", long before the battery is too weak to trigger the body of the lens.) Tried the cable A / V to before the press put the camera the power button that keep a standstill as it helps start LCD, and the provision of additional energy for the accommodation of the lens.
  • Another trick to try to resolve the error message from the goal is the power button at the same time that you press the shutter button. It's a long shot, but it only works sometimes.
  • If you can be stuck recently in adverse weather conditions such as sandstorms or wet conditions and the use of a brush, a microfiber cloth or something canned air in the housing lens in an attempt debris that case, delete and move them can kill pictures.
  • "F -" error message with "F" followed by two letters, and is often associated with the error message lens. With this error message, make sure to install the lens properly to the body of the camera DSLR, it is possible that the camera lens and the lack of communication. Moreover, it can be changed about this error message, a camera that is not the image that you want to shoot in the current light conditions open, be related. The use of the preparation of openness. (F - is usually only with Nikon cameras found on the error message.)
  • "E -" error message, usually the "E" followed by two digits, refers to the "stuck" housing lens. Try using some of the tips above to help free the movement of the lens housing more. (Usually on the E18 error message only with Canon cameras found.)
  • "Lens error, restart camera" error message that occurs at startup, can defect to the presence of a battery or firmware problem. With some of the above points, in order to solve this problem.
  • If you do not solve the problem of the error of the lens, the camera on a professional repair needs to be. When the camera is relatively new, and I had purchased an extended warranty and can be repaired free of charge. If you only have the manufacturer's warranty, it is worthwhile.'s Manufacturer to see if other photographers have the same problem with this model of the camera
  • Finally, I looked down a "solution" for the mistakes of the Internet Camera lenses or lens problem with point-and-camera photo shoot. According to this idea, and you get the camera in the palm of your hand several times cause the lens housing stand out. Is at best a temporary solution, and start with the "shake" soft on the camera to the risk that permanent damage reduce. I recommend this "reform," but if anything because of the possibility that further damage is down. But if you have no other options, and it might work.

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