Thursday, August 28, 2014

How can I make my digital photos copyright?

Most of the images that you probably do not need to mean special protection. Chances are you about someone stealing not too worried the snowman picture your child builds or a photo of your dog to sleep in a good position on the couch.

However, you can create a special photo from time to time that you feel you need to get from someone who takes the photo and to protect them for their own benefits. This can be a bit more difficult in today's world, through many social networking sites where images appear.

You can use a watermark on the photo to protect it, to place, but for even more protection, should the legal deposit these particular photos. Not prevent adding a reference to the author of the photographs that potential thief to capture images, but probably deter a large percentage of them.

Use the following tips to learn more about your options for your copyright photos in an effort to protect against thieves.

  • Immediate protection. Keep in mind that if you take a photo, you will get protection under the copyright law of the United States. You control every aspect of how to use the image. If you give others the right to use the photo, they can not legally use.
  • Ignore copyright. Though the photo is automatically protected by the copyright laws of the United States, some people can not respect that, and copy photos without permission. If your photo on a website or a social network where others are able to upload, copy it, you can send a message about copyright in the photo that the owner and creation date sets the position, the use of software for image processing . As an additional step, you can save the image with the U.S. Copyright Office to protect the additional costs.
  • The use of symbols. Determine the protection of copyrights on the pictures, you can place a copyright symbol on the photo. The symbol, a "C" in a circle or whole word to be "Copyright". Under the copyright symbol, you might want to list the year of birth and the name of the owner. You can use watermarking techniques to place the copyright symbol on the photo.
  • Creative Commons License. These licenses give artists, writers, musicians, photographers and the ability to protect their work without a license from the owners right. The Creative Commons license, others may use the photographer's work, as long as they did give credit the photographer and follow the instructions for use of the photographers created. The organization of the Creative Commons ( of) treated this type of license.
  • Electronic Copyright Office. Could you save your images and other through an online form on the electronic Copyright Office of the Government of the United States of America (Eco You can apply Eco one or more photos at once copyright. You will be charged a fee, but the fee is low when the form is used online. The website also contains detailed information on copyright laws and basic information of information.
  • A lawyer. Finally, if you have a particularly valuable image you want to protect copyright, you can have a lawyer who can help you ensure that all the proper procedures to follow for rent and ensure that you have access to the latest laws and information.

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